DMR And Trunking Systems

Full Fledged Coverage.


We provide a full range of DMR and TETRA products and solutions, including portable and mobile radios, repeaters, IP connection, and trunking systems. The leading digital technology platform, innovative features, and comprehensive portfolio have empowered government authorities, public safety organizations, and enterprises worldwide to achieve safer and more efficient operations.

DMR Radios

DMR, Digital Mobile Radio, has professional users from public safety. Government institutions, industries, and businesses have benefited from DMR innovation in their daily work and at critical moments. We are partner with indusrty leader and radio giant, Hytera, who’s DMR two-way radios are designed with users and real-life challenges in mind. The ergonomic ID and friendly UI make it easy and comfortable to useDMR two-way radios are widely recognized for their rich features and ruggedness. Different sectors have different requirements for radio’s functionality and durability

What is Digital Trunking?

Trunking Radio systems are two-way radio systems that optimise voice call or data traffic through a limited number of frequencies, maximising the available resource for a large group of users. This is critical to ensure that communication is always instant and available for professional or enterprise level users, for example, within the public safety, manufacturing and transportation industry the DMR Tier III trunking communications technology has been widely adopted across the world in sectors, such as public safety, utility, oil & gas, and transportation. It is versatile enough to offer local coverage as well as large region coverage. The system is highly scalable to fulfill the requirements of users in the different phases of their growth.

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